Pakeha Party co-founder David Ruck. Nice eyebrow piercing Dave. |
Duncan Garner therefore could legitimately question whether the Pakeha Party stood for anything at all.

But there is a Mana Party and a Maori Party, the page's authors argue. Why should there not be Pakeha Party? In the case of the Mana Party, it is not exclusively a party for Maori. It just so happens that it didn't capture the imagination of non-Maori, probably because Hone Harawira can't do up his fucking tie properly. As for the foundation of the Maori Party, the answer is a bit more complex. The party exists to act as a representative of a very different social society within a Westminster government. Maori society has key differences in an array of areas, for example land ownership - the European model holds that the underlying title of all land is held by the Crown but can be purchased and sold. Maori never really own land, they are stewards for it. A principle called kaitiakitanga unless I'm much mistaken. The Maori Party was founded to be a conduit between the two systems as well as providing representation, although that representation has been severely eroded due to the machinations of party politics. Why should there be a Pakeha Party when the system of government is based upon a European model, conducted in English and with considerable ethnic representation of European New Zealanders across most parties? It is comically naive to suggest that Pakeha is under-represented in parliament.
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The Pakeha Party page thinks 'this guy is Epic! lol' |
There now follows a selection of quotations and comments from the Pakeha Party Facebook page. Then we'll hold a moment of silence for the death of written English:
Oh heck... Hahahahahaha! *ahem* I think the founders of Political party... Went in with the best of intentions...however, I think it has seriously got away from them and the point they wanted to make. I, just from what I have read, think that the point they are trying to make is that there are business start up assistance, social welfare assistance, education opportunities etc that are not available to all NZers...despite being in the same situation (or similar) as Maori. I think that is what they are getting at... But it IS hard to decipher with the complete bastardisation of the written language.... *sigh* train-wreck is about right...
ReplyDeleteThey're intention, as I see it, is simply uninformed, uneducated, sour-graped, racism, without the benefit of enough self-reflection that they actually are racist... (because that would be "bad", and no-one wants to be bad). I wouldn't call that "good intention". It's a gut-reaction (without the benefit of good faith research of the issues) at best.
DeleteWhat point are they trying to make other than that Pakeha should hold on to inherent structural privileges and that Maori should have no form of redress to remedy systemic and historical disadvantages?
I'm in favour of incorporating German into their name: "Die Pakeha Partei". 3:)
ReplyDeleteAlso, a question:
ReplyDeleteShould we laugh at the painfully uneducated or worry about them?
I think we'll just laugh at them for the time being and hope they don't get hold of anything sharp.
DeleteWell, it's not going to be wit. I think we're ok on that front...
DeleteI think David Ruck has about as much appeal and credibility as the last pimple I had on my arse, and about the same chance of getting into parliament. He has, unwittingly stirred up what was "snoozing politics"- the public (whoever they are) seem interested in politics again. If I were in one of the major political parties I would ride that wave....just sayin.
ReplyDeleteand Janta: "They're intention" they're, not their.....REALLY?!?
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThere's always ONE...
DeleteAlso: you have pimples on your arse. Gross.
Right you two. Calm down. Don't make me come over there or no-one will get to go over to Timmy and Simone's to watch Spongebob this afternoon.
DeleteAnd yes. Burger Boy has pimples on his arse. I've seen them on occasion. I'm still learning to talk about it.
Jono, the voi'ce of reason :)
DeletePeace and tea tree oil ointment be with you, Burger Boy. xx
and Burger Boy: punctuation in your final sentence... REALLY?!?