Saturday, 5 October 2013

Changes are afoot...

Ah there you are. Pull up a wingback and pour yourself a snifter of something expensive. Settled? Good.

Right, the fact of the matter is that there's a distinct smell of change in the air whether I win, lose or draw in the election ending next weekend. As a consequence there will be quite a bit of work done on giving this blog a bit of a shake up. The biggest change is that it will be moving to a new website, but not to worry, I'll provide links and clever things that take you directly there and you don't have to strain yourself by making any extra clicks to get there. 
Another thing you don't have to worry about is that the current mixture of bile, misanthropy and ranting will not change. The headings will not change either: I will synopsise*, I will pontificate on beer and things will continue to get fucked as they have since time immemorial (i.e. since March this year).

But there will be new things. Shiny things. Things you can buy that will give you validation in your life. You can tell me I'm selling out if you like, but if you got paid in lumps of coal like I do, you'd be trying to augment your income as well, believe me. Besides, Google Adsense doesn't want a bar of this blog because of all the fucking swearing.
No, the new version of the blog will be 27.8% better and 41.7% brighter. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, massage my ego and tell me so.
See you there.

Jono the BArSTewARD

*It's a neologism, run with it.